Nerdy Girl Trends Privacy Policy

Hey there, fellow nerds! We at Nerdy Girl Trends totally get how important your privacy is. Just like you wouldn’t want anyone spoiling the ending of your favorite anime, we wouldn’t dream of sharing your personal info without your permission.

What We Collect

When you hang out on our site or join our awesome community, we might collect some info to make your experience even better. This might include:

  • Personal Info: Your name, email address, and any other info you choose to share with us (like when you sign up for our newsletter or comment on a post).
  • Usage Data: Info about how you use our site, like what pages you visit and how long you stay. We use this to make our site even more awesome for you.
  • Cookies and Similar Tech: We use these little helpers to remember your preferences and make your experience smoother. You can usually adjust your browser settings if you want to control cookies.

How We Use Your Info

We promise to use your info responsibly. Here’s how we might use it:

  • To Make Your Experience Better: We use your info to personalize your experience on our site and show you content we think you’ll love.
  • To Keep in Touch: We might send you emails about new posts, cool events, or special offers (only if you’ve given us the okay!).
  • To Improve Our Site: We analyze how people use our site so we can make it even more awesome for everyone.
  • To Protect Our Community: We might use your info to detect and prevent any shady activity.

Sharing Your Info

We’re not into sharing your info with just anyone. We might share it with:

  • Trusted Partners: Companies that help us run our site and provide services (like our email provider). We make sure they keep your info safe too.
  • Legal Reasons: If we’re legally required to, we might share your info.

Your Choices

You’re in control! You can:

  • Unsubscribe: Opt out of our emails anytime. Just click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom.
  • Update Your Info: Change your preferences or update your info by logging into your account.
  • Delete Your Account: If you want to leave us (we’ll be sad to see you go!), you can delete your account.


We take security seriously. We use industry-standard practices to keep your info safe, but remember, no method is 100% foolproof.

Changes to This Policy

We might update this policy from time to time, so be sure to check back occasionally. We’ll let you know about any major changes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at! We’re always here to chat.

Effective Date: August 5, 2004